The past participle (pasado participio) is formed by dropping the –ar of the verb and adding -ado.
Spanish Compound Tenses:
The Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Subjunctive Tense
Conditional Perfect Tense
Past Participle in Spanish
Past Perfect / Pluperfect
Past Perfect / Pluperfect Subjunctive Mood
Future Perfect Tense
Perfect Infinitive in Spanish
Dibujar….. Dibujado
Sandra ha dibujado un cuadro muy hermoso.
Sandra has drawn a beautiful painting.
The past participle is also formed by dropping the –er and -ir of the verb and adding –ido.
Perder… Perdido
Ana ha perdido las llaves.
Ana has lost the keys.
Salir… Salido
Tania ha salido de vacaciones.
Tania has gone on vacation.
Some verbs in the past participle ending in -er and -ir with stem vowels a, e, or o the infinitive ending require a written accent mark over the ending -ído.
Luisa se ha caído de las escaleras.
Luisa has fallen off the stairs.
Isabela ha creído en las hadas desde pequeña.
Isabela has believed in fairies since she was little.
Verbs in the Past Participle ending in –ído Table.
Verb | -ído ending |
Atraer (to attract) | Atraído |
Caer (to fall) | Caído |
Leer (to read) | Leído |
Reír (to laugh) | Reído |
Traer (to bring) | Traído |
Irregular Verbs in the Past Participle in Spanish
In Spanish, there are some irregular verbs in the past participle and these verbs do not end in -ido.
Verb | Irregular Past Participle |
Abrir (to open) | Abierto |
Cubrir (to cover) | Cubierto |
Decir (to tell) | Dicho |
Escribir (to write) | Escrito |
Hacer (to do) | Hecho |
Morir (to die) | Muerto |
Poner (to put) | Puesto |
Romper (to break) | Roto |
Satisfacer (to satisfy) | Satisfecho |
Ver (to see) | Visto |
Remember to review the rules and verbs in the present perfect in Spanish.