Double Object Pronouns Spanish

Double object pronouns in Spanish are used to simplify messages and avoid repetition. When using both a direct object pronoun and an indirect object pronoun in the same sentence, the indirect object pronoun comes first.

Subject Exercises:
Double Object Pronouns Spanish Exercise 1
Multiple Choice Spanish Double Object Pronouns Quiz

Luisa nos lo recomendó a nosotros.
Luisa recommended it to us.

¿Quién les compró los chocolates?
Who bought the chocolates?

Carlos nos los compró.
Carlos bought them for us.

  • The indirect object (IO) pronous le and les are changed to se when followed by lo, los, la or las.

Yo se lo compré para ustedes.
I bought it for you.

¿Quién me envió las cartas? / Who sent me the letters?
Los estudiantes se las enviaron. / The students sent them to you.

Spanish double object pronouns using commands, infinitives and gerunds

  • When using negative commands, the pronouns precede the command.

No me lo compre.
Don’t buy it for me.

No se lo traigas.
Don’t bring it to him/her.

  • When using affirmative commands, the indirect object pronoun is followed by the direct object pronoun

Buy it for me.

Tell him.

Bring it to me.

  • With infinitives and gerunds such as -ando and -iendo, the pronoun can be conjugated with the verb or attached to the infinitive or gerund.

Quiero comprarte una camisa. Quiero cómprartela.
I want to buy you a shirt. I want to buy it from you.

María está lavandote la ropa.
Maria is washing your clothes.

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