Spanish Pronouns Lessons:
Personal Pronouns
Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions
Direct Object Pronouns
Indirect Object Pronouns
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Pronouns
Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
Relative Pronouns after Prepositions
Double Object Pronouns
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Subject Verb Agreement in Spanish
Personal Pronouns PDF Worksheet
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Reflexive verbs and pronouns in Spanish (verbos reflexivos y pronombres en español) indicate that the action of the verb reflects back on the subject. In other words, the subject is performing the action on himself or herself. Also see Reciprocal Actions in Spanish.
Reflexive verbs are often used to describe things you do to yourself every day, for example, showering, sitting down, getting up, getting happy, and so on. In Spanish, use of reflexive verbs is more common than in English, and many of these verbs are used in everyday language.
Spanish Reflexive Verbs / Pronouns Conjugation
Subject Pronoun | Reflexive Pronoun | Meaning | Example |
Yo | Me | Myself (yo mismo) | Me compré un nuevo celular. I (myself) bought a new cell phone. |
Tú | Te | Yourself (tú mismo) | Te confundes todo el tiempo. You get confused all the time. |
Él / Ella / Usted | Se | Himself/herself/yourself (él/ella mismo) | Ella se quemó. She burned herself. |
Nosotros / Nosotras | Nos | Ourselves (nosotros mismos) | Nosotros nos iremos de viaje. We ourselves will go on a trip. |
Vosotros / Vosotras | Os | Yourselves (vosotros mismos) | ¿Vosotros os bañáis todos los días? Do you bathe (yourselves) everyday? |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes | Se | Themselves/Yourselves (ellos/ustedes mismos) | Se han mudado de casa varias veces. (They) have moved house several times. |
- Reflexive verbs are used with the appropriate reflexive pronoun in the present tense.
- In Spanish, reflexive pronouns are placed before the conjugated verb.
- Pronouns Él/Ella/Usted/Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes have the same reflexive pronoun ‘se‘.
Using Reflexive Verbs in Spanish
- In Spanish, reflexive verbs and pronouns are used to express feelings, emotions and moods.
Vi a Luisa y me enamoré de ella.
I saw Luisa and I fell in love with her.
Camila se molesta cuando Juan no llega a tiempo.
Camila gets upset when Juan doesn’t show up on time.
Anna y Maria se divierten con los videojuegos.
Anna and Maria have fun with video games.
- Reflexive verbs can be used to describe habits, personal care and routines.
Siempre me olvido de traer mis llaves.
I always forget to bring my keys.
Yo me despierto a las ocho de la mañana.
I wake up at eight in the morning.
Yo me cepillo los dientes dos veces al dia.
I brush my teeth twice a day.
- In Spanish, actions regarding personal care and items of clothing are used with a definite article preceding parts of the body. However, in English, possessive adjectives are used instead.
Nos lavamos las manos.
We wash our hands.
Claudia se peina el cabello.
Claudia (herself) combs her hair.
Se quitan los zapatos antes de entrar.
They take off their shoes before entering.
Common Reflexive Verbs in Spanish Table
Some reflexive verbs are used with certain prepositions.
Verb | Meaning | Example |
Aburrirse (de) | to get bored (with) | Me aburrí de ver la película. I got bored of watching the movie. |
Acordarse (de) | to remember | No se acordó de comprar frutas. (He) did not remember to buy fruit. |
Afeitarse | to shave | Me afeito todas las semanas. I shave every week. |
Alegrarse (de) | to be glad, rejoice (about) | Lara se alegra de verte. Lara (herself) is glad to see you. |
Despertarse | to wake up | Hoy me desperté tarde. I woke up late today. |
Disgustarse (de, con) | to be upset (about, over, with) | Tú te disgustastes con Marcel. You got upset with Marcel. |
Divertirse (con) | to enjoy (oneself) (with) | Me divierto con la abuela. I have fun with Grandma. |
Enfermarse | to get sick, ill | Andre se enferma cuando come dulces. Andre gets sick when he eats sweets. |
Enloquecerse | to go crazy | Nosotros nos enloquecemos con esa canción. We go crazy with that song. |
Enojarse (con) | to get mad (at) | Ella se enoja con la vecina. She gets mad at the neighbor. |
Maquillarse | to put on makeup | Carla se maquilla todas las mañanas. Carla (herself) puts on makeup every morning. |
Olvidarse (de) | to forget (about) | Tú te olvidas de llevar las llaves. You forget to bring the keys. |
Peinarse | to comb one’s hair | Yo me peino el cabello. I comb my hair. |
Probarse | to try on | Camila se prueba la camisa azul. Camila tries on her blue shirt. |
Sentarse | to sit down | Carmen se sienta en el sofá. Carmen sits on the sofa. |
Volverse | to become | Laura se volvió enfermera. Laura became a nurse. |
More Usage Examples of Reflexives Verbs and Pronouns
Ustedes se olvidan de las reglas.
You forget the rules.
Yo me afeito la barba cada semana.
I shave my beard every week.
Nosotros nos duchamos con agua fría.
We shower with cold water.
Yo me quito los guantes.
I take off my gloves.
Me comí el pastel.
I ate the whole cake.
Anita se aburre en la clase de matemáticas.
Anita gets bored in math class.
Me lavo las manos.
I wash my hands.
Also see Reflexive Verbs vs Reciprocal Verbs Difference.
Conjugating Reflexive Verbs in Different Tenses
Reflexive verbs can be used in all tenses and moods; present, past, future, indicative, conditional and subjunctive. Make sure to use the appropriate reflexive pronoun.
Me cepillaré los dientes antes de dormir.
I will brush my teeth before sleeping.
Ella se lavó la cara cuando se despertó.
She washed her face when she woke up.
Amelía se enojaría conmigo.
Amelia would be mad at me.
See stem-changing and irregular reflexive verbs in Spanish.