Spanish Vocabulary Lists:
Animals in Spanish
Body Parts in Spanish / Clothes in Spanish
Family in Spanish / Food and Drinks Spanish
Fruits in Spanish / Vegetables in Spanish
Bathroom / Bedroom / Kitchen / Room Names
Living Room Furniture / Shapes in Spanish
Occupations / Transportation in Spanish
Spanish Vocabulary Exercises:
Animals in Spanish Worksheet
Body Parts Spanish Worksheet
Spanish Family Tree Exercise
Fruits / Vegetables Spanish Exercise
Bathroom / Bedroom / Kitchen / Room Names
Living Room Furniture / Shapes
Occupations / Transportation in Spanish
Spanish living room furniture and Items vocabulary list with example sentences
(los muebles y artículos de la sala de estar en español).
Living Room Furniture and Items in Spanish
Vocabulary | Word in Spanish | Example Sentence in Spanish |
Armchair | Sillón | El sillón es muy cómodo. The armchair is very comfortable. |
Ashtray | Cenicero | El cenicero está roto. The ashtray is broken. |
Carpet / rug | Alfombra | La alfombra está hecha a mano. The carpet is handmade. |
Chair | Silla | La silla está frente al escritorio. The chair is in front of the desk. |
Curtains | Cortinas | Las cortinas son rojas. The curtains are red. |
Desk | Escritorio | El escritorio es de color marrón. The desk is brown. |
Fan | Ventilador | El ventilador está sucio. The fan is dirty. |
Flowers | Flores | Me encantan las flores. I love flowers. |
Lamp | Lámpara | La lámpara esta fundida. The lamp is burned out. |
Light bulb | Bombilla | Tenemos que comprar otra bombilla. We have to buy another light bulb. |
Chimney / fireplace | Chimenea | La chimenea está limpia. The fireplace is clean. |
Outlet / Socket | Enchufe/ toma de corriente | El enchufe no funciona. The socket does not work. |
Painting | Cuadro / pintura | Hay muchos cuadros en la sala de estar. There are many paintings in the living room. |
Photograph / Photo | Fotografía / Foto | Hay una fotografía de nosotras en la mesa. There is a photograph of us on the table. |
Plants | Plantas | Hay una planta en el escritorio. There is a plant on the desk. |
Rocking Chair | Mecedora | La mecedora cruje cuando me siento. The rocking chair creaks when I sit down. |
Shelf | Estante | Hay un pequeño estante en la pared. There is a small shelf on the wall. |
Sofa / couch | Sofá | Tengo dos juegos de sofás. I have two sets of sofas. |
Table | Mesa | La mesa pertenece a mi abuela. The table belongs to my grandmother. |
Table (coffee) | Mesa de centro | La mesa de centro está sucia. The coffee table is dirty. |
Table (small) | Mesita | La mesita está rota. The table is broken. |
Telephone | Teléfono | El teléfono estaba sonando. The telephone was ringing. |
Television | Televisión | La televisión estuvo encendida toda la noche. The television was on all night. |
Television (flat screen) | Pantalla plana | Mi televisor de pantalla plana es de 55 pulgadas. My flat screen TV is 55 inches. |
Television screen | Pantalla de televisión | La pantalla de televisión está fundida. The television screen is burned out. |
Vase | Jarrón | There is an empty vase on the table. Hay un jarrón vacío sobre la mesa. |
Video recorder / VCR | Videograbadora | La videograbadora es muy antigua. The VCR is very old. |
Wall | Pared | Tengo que pintar la pared. I have to paint the wall. |
Wall clock | Reloj de pared | El reloj de pared se compró en París. The wall clock was bought in Paris. |
Window | Ventana | La ventana está abierta. The window is open. |