Spanish Vocabulary Lists:
Animals in Spanish
Body Parts in Spanish / Clothes in Spanish
Family in Spanish / Food and Drinks Spanish
Fruits in Spanish / Vegetables in Spanish
Bathroom / Bedroom / Kitchen / Room Names
Living Room Furniture / Shapes in Spanish
Occupations / Transportation in Spanish
Spanish Vocabulary Exercises:
Animals in Spanish Worksheet
Body Parts Spanish Worksheet
Spanish Family Tree Exercise
Fruits / Vegetables Spanish Exercise
Bathroom / Bedroom / Kitchen / Room Names
Living Room Furniture / Shapes
Occupations / Transportation in Spanish
Learn the most commonly used transportation vocabulary words in Spanish (vocabulario de transporte en español).
Modes of Transportation in Spanish Table
Transportation | In Spanish | Example |
Airplane / Plane | Avión | No he viajado en avión. I have not traveled by plane. |
Ambulance | Ambulancia | No hay ambulancias disponibles. There are no ambulances available. |
Bicycle | Bicicleta | Paseo en bicicleta los fines de semana. I ride my bicycle on weekends. |
Boat | Bote | Me gusta viajar en barco. I like to travel by boat. |
Bus | Autobús | El autobús se averió en la calle. The bus broke down on the street. |
Car | Auto / Carro / Coche | Quiero comprar un auto nuevo. I want to buy a new car. |
Helicopter | Helicóptero | El presidente llegó en helicóptero. The president arrived by helicopter. |
Motorcycle | Motocicleta / Moto | Carlos tiene una motocicleta. Carlos has a motorcycle. |
Rocket ship | Cohete | El cohete fue lanzado al espacio. The rocket was launched into space. |
Sailboat | Velero / Vela | El velero se retrasó por el viento. The sailboat was delayed by the wind. |
Ship | Barco | ¡El barco se hunde rápido! The ship is sinking fast! |
School bus | Autobús escolar | Ana toma el autobús escolar. Ana takes the school bus. |
Subway | Metro | Mi papá usa el metro para ir a trabajar. My dad uses the subway to go to work. |
Taxi | Taxi | Robert conduce un taxi. Robert drives a taxi. |
Train | Tren | El tren acaba de salir. The train has just left. |
Truck | Camión | Bob conduce un camión. Bob drives a truck. |