Indefinite Articles in Spanish

In Spanish, there are four forms of indefinite articles compared to the two in English (‘a’ and ‘an’). They work the same, except in Spanish they come in two different gender forms.

Feminine Indefinite Articles in Spanish

  • Singular: una (a, an)
  • Plural: unas (a few, some)


Una peraA pear / one pear
Una sandíaA watermelon / one watermelon
Tengo una casa, un carro y un perro.I have a house, a car and a dog.
Compraré una cartera nueva.I will buy a new purse.
Feminine Indefinite Articles

Masculine Indefinite Articles in Spanish

  • Singular: un (a, an)
  • Plural: unos (a few, some)


Un televisorA television / one television
Compraré un carro nuevo.I will buy a new car.
Compramos unos abrigos nuevos.We bought a few coats.
Masculine Indefinite Articles

is not an indefinite article, it can only be used as the number one (1) or when referring to people in general (as in “One must wash their hands before eating.”).


  • 1. ‘Una’ and ‘Unas’ are used for feminine nouns
  • 2. ‘Un’ and ‘Unos’ are used for masculine nouns
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