Spanish pronouns, just like in many other languages, substitute for a noun, noun phrase or for other pronouns without affecting the sentence.
Subject Lessons:
Spanish Pronouns
All Spanish Grammar Lessons
Subject Exercises:
Pronouns Exercises
Spanish Pronouns Quizzes
See All Spanish Grammar Exercises
Demonstrative Pronouns in Spanish
They (los pronombres demostrativos en español) have the same forms as the demonstrative adjectives and take the place of the nouns.
éste – ésta – esto / ése – ésa – eso / aquél – aquélla – aquello
See details at Demonstrative Pronouns in Spanish.
Also see Demonstrative Adjectives in Spanish.
Subject Exercises:
Spanish Demonstrative Pronouns Exercise 1
Spanish Demonstrative Adjectives Exercise 1
Direct Object Pronouns in Spanish
In Spanish, the direct object pronoun is placed before the verb, unlike in English, the pronoun follows the verb.
Me, Te, Lo, Lo, La, Nosotros, Os, Los, Los, Las…
See Direct Object Pronouns in Spanish.
Subject Exercises:
Direct Object Pronouns Exercise 1
Direct Object Pronouns Exercise 2
Direct Object Pronouns Spanish Quiz
Double Object Pronouns in Spanish
They are used to simplify messages and avoid repetition.
Luisa nos lo recomendó a nosotros.
Yo se lo compré para ustedes.
See details at Double Object Pronouns.
Double Object Pronouns Exercise 1
Double Object Pronouns Exercise 2
Double Object Pronouns Spanish Quiz
Indirect Object Pronouns in Spanish
The indirect object usually tells for whom or to whom the action is done.
Me, Te, Le, Los, Os, Les…
See Indirect Object Pronouns in Spanish.
Subject Exercises:
Indirect Object Pronouns Exercise 1
Indirect Object Pronouns Exercise 2
Indirect Object Pronouns Spanish Quiz
Personal Pronouns in Spanish
Personal pronouns are used as the subject of a verb and they refer to people, animals or objects.
Yo, Tú, Usted, Él, Ella, Nosotros, Vosotros, Ustedes, Ellos, and Ellas
See details at Spanish Personal Pronouns Details.
Subject Exercises:
Personal Pronouns Exercise 1
Personal Pronouns Worksheet 2
Possessive Adjectives
The possessive adjectives in Spanish (los adjetivos posesivos en español) have two forms; short and long. Both forms must agree in gender and in number with the items, ideas, etc.
Mi – Mis, Tu – Tus, Su – Sus, Nuestro / Nuestros – Nuestra / Nuestras…
See Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives Exercises 1
Possessive Adjectives Exercises 2
Possessive Pronouns in Spanish
The possessive pronouns (los pronombres posesivos en español) are used to express possession.
El mío, Los míos, La mía, Las mías, El tuyo, Los tuyos, La tuya, Las tuyas…
See Possessive Pronouns in Spanish.
Spanish Possessive Pronouns Exercises 1
Spanish Possessive Pronouns Exercises 2
Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions
In Spanish, a prepositional pronoun (object pronoun) is used instead of the name of a person, animal or a thing. The subject pronoun is always followed by a preposition.
Mi, Tí, Usted, Él, Ella, Sí , Nosotros, Vosotros, Ustedes, Ellos, Ellas
See Spanish Object Pronouns Details.
Subject Exercises:
Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions 1
Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions 2
Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns
Reflexive verbs and pronouns (verbos reflexivos y pronombres en español) indicate that the action of the verb reflects back on the subject. In other words, the subject performs the action on himself or herself.
Subject Lessons:
Spanish Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns Detailed
Reflexive Verbs vs Reciprocal Verbs Difference
Reciprocal Actions in Spanish
Stem-changing and irregular reflexive verbs
Relative Pronouns
A relative pronoun refers to an antecedent, an antecedent comes before a noun or a pronoun previously mentioned in a sentence.
They are: que, quien, el que/lo que, and el cual/lo cual
See details at Relative Pronouns in Spanish.
Also see Relative Pronouns after Prepositions.
Subject Exercises:
Relative Pronouns Exercises
Also See:
Relative Pronouns after Prepositions 1
Relative Pronouns after Prepositions 2