Basic Spanish:
Hello in Spanish
Spanish Alphabet
Asking and Giving Directions
Cardinal / Ordinal Numbers
Colors in Spanish List
Days and Months
Imperatives / Commands
Seasons / Weather Expressions
Telling the Time
Telling the Date
Polite Requests and Answers
Daily Routines in Spanish
Activities with Pictures:
Spanish for Kids PDF
Ask and give directions in Spanish (preguntar y dar direcciones en español)– For asking directions, remember that when asking where a place is, the verb estar is used, while asking how to get to a place, the verb llegar is used. Also see prepositions of place in Spanish as they are often used when asking / giving directions.
How to Ask for Directions in Spanish
It is good to be polite, use words such as:
- Buenos días – Good morning
- Buenas tardes – Good afternoon
- Buenas noches – Good evening
- Disculpe (formal) – Excuse me
- Señora – Ma’am
- Señorita – Miss
- Señor – Sir
- Joven – Young man
To ask where something is, use the verb estar:
¿Me podría decir dónde está el centro comercial?
Could you tell me where the shopping center is?
¿Sabe si está por aquí el restaurante italiano?
Do you know if the Italian restaurant is around here?
To ask how to get someplace, use the verb llegar:
¿Cómo llego a la estación del tren?
How do I get to the train station?
¿Cómo llego al museo?
How do I get to the museum?
Most Common Words Used when Giving Directions in Spanish
Spanish word | Meaning |
Atrás de | Behind |
Al lado de | Next to |
Baja | Go down |
Derecha | Right |
Derecho, recto | Straight |
Detrás de | Behind |
Enfrente de | In front of |
Este | East |
Girar a la derecha/izquierda, doblar a la derecha/izquierda | Turn right/left |
Izquierda | Left |
Norte | North |
Oeste | West |
Semáforo | Street light |
Sube | Go up |
Sur | South |
Preposition of Place in Spanish | Meaning |
A | at, to |
En | in, on, at |
De | of, from, at |
Por | by, around here |
Names of Places in Spanish
Places (Lugares) | Meaning |
Avenida | Avenue |
Bulevar | Boulevar |
Calle | Street |
Cuadra | Block |
Esquina | Corner |
Rotonda/Glorieta | Roundabout |
Entrada | Entrance |
Salida | Exit |
Taquilla | Ticket office |
More Examples:
Disculpe. ¿Cómo llego al teatro nacional?
Excuse me. How do I get to the national theater?
Sigue derecho dos cuadras y luego dobla a la izquierda.
Go straight two blocks and then turn left.
Buenas tardes. ¿Dónde está el parque principal?
Good afternoon. Where is the main park?
Sube tres cuadras, al lado de el restaurrante japones.
Go up three blocks, next to the Japanese restaurant.