Basic Spanish:
Hello in Spanish
Spanish Alphabet
Asking and Giving Directions
Cardinal / Ordinal Numbers
Colors in Spanish List
Days and Months
Imperatives / Commands
Seasons / Weather Expressions
Telling the Time
Telling the Date
Polite Requests and Answers
Daily Routines in Spanish
Activities with Pictures:
Spanish for Kids PDF
See Daily Routines in Spanish Kids PDF for more activities with pictures and color.
Daily routines in Spanish (rutinas diarias en español) – How to express what a person does every day:
Daily Activities in The Morning
(Rutina Diaria en las Mañanas)
Me despierto a las 7:30 a.m todas las mañanas. Me levanto y me doy una ducha. Luego, me preparo una taza de café y al terminar me cepillo los dientes. Me gusta peinarme el cabello y ponerme maquillaje antes de ir al trabajo.
I wake up at 7:30 a.m. every morning. I get up and shower. Then, I prepare a cup of coffee and I brush my teeth. I like to comb my hair and put on some make up before going to work.
Daily Activities Outside
(Actividades Diarias Afuera)
Tomo un autobús al trabajo y empiezo a trabajar alrededor de las 9.30 a.m. Reviso mis correos electrónicos y hago algunas llamadas telefónicas. A las 1 de la tarde almuerzo. Trabajo en la computadora y luego, regreso a casa.
I take a bus to work and start working around 9.30 a.m. I check my emails and make some phone calls. At 1 in the afternoon I eat lunch. I work at the computer and then I return home.
Daily Activities in the Evening
(Actividades Diarias por la Tarde)
Me pongo mi pijama y saquo la basura. Ceno alrededor de las 7:30 p.m. y me relajo en mi sofá y veo televisión. Me cepillo los dientes y alrededor de las 10:30 p.m apago las luces y me acuesto.
I put on my pajamas and take out the trash. I have dinner around 7:30 p.m and I relax on my couch and watch television. Then, I brush my teeth and around 10.30 p.m I turn off the lights and go to bed.
Verbs Used in Daily Routines in Spanish
- Me despierto – I wake up
- Me levanto – I get up
- Tomo una ducha (Me ducho) – I take a shower / I have a shower
- Me visto – I get dressed
- Me peino – I comb my hair
- Hago el desayuno – I make breakfast Desayuno – I eat breakfast
- Me cepillo/ lavo los dientes – I brush my teeth
- Voy al trabajo – I go to work
- Empiezo/ Comienzo a trabajar – I start work
- Reviso los correos electrónicos – I check emails
- Almuerzo – I eat lunch / I have lunch
- Trabajo en mi computadora – I work on my computer
- Regreso a casa – I go home
- Ceno – I eat dinner / I have dinner
- Veo la televisión – I watch TV
- Apago las luces – I turn off the lights
- Me voy a la cama / Me acuesto – I go to bed
Also See:
Spanish Daily Routines Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Daily Routines in Spanish Kids PDF Exercises