Basic Spanish:
Hello in Spanish
Spanish Alphabet
Asking and Giving Directions
Cardinal / Ordinal Numbers
Colors in Spanish List
Days and Months
Imperatives / Commands
Seasons / Weather Expressions
Telling the Time
Telling the Date
Polite Requests and Answers
Daily Routines in Spanish
Activities with Pictures:
Spanish for Kids PDF
The alphabet in Spanish (El abecedario en español) consists of 27 letters.
- The letter “b” is sometimes called be grande, be alta, or be larga
- The letter “v” is also called ve, because ve and be sound similar. Sometimes uve is called ve chica or ve pequeña
- There are many ways to say the letter “w” in Spanish: doble ve, doble u or doble uve.
- The letter “h” is silent in Spanish.
The Alphabet in Spanish
Aa a | Bb be | Cc ce | Dd de |
Ee e | Ff efe | Gg ge | Hh hache |
Ii i | Jj jota | Kk ka | Ll ele |
Mm eme | Nn ene | Ññ eñe | Oo o |
Pp pe | Qq cu | Rr ere | Ss ese |
Tt te | Uu u | Vv uve | Ww doble uve |
Xx equis | Yy ye | Zz zeta |
Vowels in Spanish
In Spanish there are five vowels.
a ah | e eh | i ee | o oh | u oo |