Kids Spanish PDF Worksheets:
Animals in Spanish Kids PDF
Body Parts in Spanish Kids PDF
Days Months Seasons in Spanish
Clothes in Spanish for Kids PDF
Family in Spanish Kids PDF
Food & Drinks in Spanish for Kids
Fruits & Vegetables in Spanish for Kids
All Spanish For Kids PDF
Spanish Vocabulary Lists
Also See:
Animals in Spanish Vocabulary List
Animals in Spanish Multiple Choice Exercise
1- Animal Names Fill in the Missing Letters:
- Caballo
- Conejo
- Pato
- Perro / Perra
- Gallina
- Pollo
- Ratón
- Vaca
2- Animals in Spanish Worksheets 2:
Describe the following animals with a few sentences.
- La Jirafa
- El León
- El Delfín
- La Serpiente
3- Your Favorite Animal in Spanish Worksheets:
What is your favorite animal?
Describe your favorite animal with a few sentences.
Draw it 🙂
4- Animals in Spanish Worksheets 4:
Draw these animals or simply write the translations.
- Jirafa
- Cocodrilo
- Elefante
- León
- Tigre
5- Animal Names Matching in Spanish:
Match the animals correctly.
- Gato
- Burro
- Perro
- Hamster
- Ratón
6- Pets in Spanish Worksheet:
What is your favorite pet? Do you have any?
Describe it in Spanish with a few sentences.
7- Pets in Spanish Worksheet 2:
Complete the Pets in Spanish Crossword.
Write the answers in full sentences.
Fill in the final chart with appropriate animal names.