Kids Spanish PDF Worksheets:
Animals in Spanish Kids PDF
Body Parts in Spanish Kids PDF
Days Months Seasons in Spanish
Clothes in Spanish for Kids PDF
Family in Spanish Kids PDF
Food & Drinks in Spanish for Kids
Fruits & Vegetables in Spanish for Kids
All Spanish For Kids PDF
Spanish Vocabulary Lists
Also See:
Months and Days Vocabulary List
Seasons and Weather Vocabulary List
Days of Week in Spanish
1- Re-arrange the days of week in correct order:
- Lunes
- Martes
- Miércoles
- Jueves
- Viernes
- Sábado
- Domingo
2- Days of Week Spanish Worksheet 2
Answer the questions regarding which classes you have and when; looking at your school calendar.
3- Days of Week Spanish Worksheet PDF 3:
Re-order the letters correctly to make up the days of the
week in Spanish correctly.
4- Days of Week Spanish Worksheet PDF 4:
Re-order the letters correctly to make up the days of the
week 2.
5- Days of Week Spanish Exercise PDF 5:
Fill in the names of the missing days in order.
6- Weekdays and Weekend in Spanish
Write the names of the days and put in the correct group (weekday or weekend).
7. Time and Weekly Schedule:
Choose the correct times for each activity in the questions.
8- Days of Week Spanish Word Search:
Word-Search for days of week and fill in the missing days.
9- Spanish Days / Colors / Numbers Word-Search
Word-Search of days, colors and numbers mixed.
Days / Months Mixed Worksheets
1- Days & Months in Spanish 1
- a. Fill in the months of the year.
- b. Fill in the blanks for when you are doing the mentioned activities looking at your agenda.
2- Days & Months in Spanish Exercises 2
Pick out the days, months and the family from the passage.
3- Days & Months in Spanish 3
- Fill in the months of the year
- Re-order the days of the week
Seasons in Spanish
1- Seasons in Spanish Kids Exercise
- Write the name of the seasons for each image.