Kids Spanish PDF Worksheets:
Animals in Spanish Kids PDF
Body Parts in Spanish Kids PDF
Days Months Seasons in Spanish
Clothes in Spanish for Kids PDF
Family in Spanish Kids PDF
Food & Drinks in Spanish for Kids
Fruits & Vegetables in Spanish for Kids
All Spanish For Kids PDF
Spanish Vocabulary Lists
Also See:
List of Fruits in Spanish Vocabulary
List of Vegetables in Spanish
List Food and Drinks in Spanish
1- Fruits and Vegetables in Spanish Kids Worksheet 1:
- Huevo
- Helado
- Arroz
- Naranja
- Pescado
- Patatas
- Tomates
- Queso
- Pollo
- Pan
- Manzana
2- Fruits and Vegetables in Spanish Kids PDF 2:
Write the names of fruits in the shopping bags correctly under the singular and plural sections.
3- Fruits and Vegetables Spanish Exercise 3
List the names of fruits you would eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
4- Fruits in Spanish Exercise for Kids:
- La piña
- El plátano
- La naranja
- Las uvas
- La sandía
- La fresa
- El kiwi
- La manzana
- La cereza
- La pera
- El limón
- El melocotón
5- Fruits and Vegetables in Spanish WORD-SEARCH
Find in the word-search.
- frutas
- cereal
- frijoles
- pan
- vegetales
- queso
- pollo
- arroz,
- carne
- huevos
- pescado
- sopa
- leche
- papa
- te
Also see: Food & Drinks in Spanish for Kids