Subject Explanations:
Spanish adjectives / Spanish Adverbs
Subject Exercises:
Adjectives Exercise 1 / Exercise 2
Spanish Comparatives 1 (Tan/Como)
Spanish Comparatives 2 (Mas/Menos)
Spanish Comparatives 3 (Tan/Como)
Spanish Comparatives 4 (Mas/Menos)
Spanish Superlatives 1 (Mas/Menos)
Spanish Superlatives 2 (Isimo/Isima)
Spanish Superlatives 3 (Mas/Menos)
Spanish Superlatives 4 (Isimo/Isima)
Spanish Adverbs Exercises
Multiple Choice Adjectives:
Adjectives Spanish Quiz
Adjective vs Adverb Spanish Quiz
Adjectives PDF Worksheets:
Adjectives PDF 1 / PDF 2 / See All
Tan / Como Comparatives
Write the comparison of equality tan + adjective + como. Use the appropriate gender and number of adjectives.
Pedro corre (rápido) Luis.
Pedro corre tan rápido como Luis.