Pronouns Lessons:
Spanish Pronouns
Spanish Pronouns Exercises:
Pronouns Exercises 1 (Mixed)
Personal Pronouns Exercises 1 / 2
Direct Object Pronouns Exercise 1 / 2
Double Object Pronouns Exercise 1 / 2
Indirect Object Pronouns Exercise 1 / 2
Possessive Adjectives Exercise 1 / 2
Possessive Pronouns Exercise 1 / 2
Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions 1 / 2
Reflexive Verbs Exercise 1 / 2
Reflexive Verbs Conjugation Quiz
Reflexive Verbs Stem Changing Exercise 1
Relative Pronouns Exercises 1 / 2
Relative Pronouns after Prepositions 1 / 2
Multiple Choice:
Spanish Pronouns Quizzes
PDF Worksheets:
Subject Verb Agreement in Spanish
Spanish Pronouns PDF 1 / PDF 2 / See All
Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronouns in Spanish for the following exercise.
El mío, la mía, el tuyo, la tuya, los tuyos, el suyo, la suya, etc.