Spanish Adjectives (Adjetivos)

Spanish adjectives (los adjetivos), similarly to English, are words that qualify the nouns by adding information or qualities about them. The adjective generally follows the noun, it is the word that modifies the noun by adding characteristics or qualities.

There are some exceptions in which the adjectives are placed before the noun:

  • Spanish adjectives to describe characteristics / qualities:

    Los traviesos niños rompieron el cristal.
    The naughty children broke the glass.

    Mi linda casa queda al lado del parque.
    My nice house is next to the park.

    In the examples above, the adjectives indicate characteristics / qualities about the noun.
  • Usage of Spanish adjectives to indicate numbers and amounts:
    Tenemos dos teléfonos.
    We have two phones.

    Hay solo un ascensor en el edificio.
    There is only one elevator in the building.

Spanish Indefinite Adjectives

Adjectives that indicate amounts are called indefinite adjectives (adjetivos indefinidos) because they do not a specify an exact amount of people, things, animals and/or ideas.

Algún, alguno, alguna, algunos, algunasSome
Cierto, cierta, ciertos, ciertasCertain
Cuanto, cuanta, cuantos, cuantasAs much
Mucho, mucha, muchos, muchasMany
Ningún, ninguna, ningunos, ningunasNot any/ None
Poco, poca, pocos, pocasFew
Todo, toda, todos, todasAll
Otro, otra, otros, otrasOther
Spanish Indefinite Adjectives Table

Ninguno de los libros es el que necesito.
None of the books is the one I need.

Todas las naranajas son mías.
All the oranges are mine.

Samanta tiene muchas casas.
Samanta has many houses.

In some cases two or more adjectives can follow the noun. The adjectives are usually separated by a comma or by a conjunction.


Mi esposo es muy paciente, alegre y solidario.
My husband is very patient, cheerful and supportive.

Mi madrina hizo una rica y sabrosa torta de piña.
My godmother made a delicious and tasty pineapple cake.

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