Ahí, allí, allá in Spanish are adverbs of place that mean “there”. These three adverbs have different meanings related to location, place or position of people or objects.
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Ahí vs Allí vs Allá Differences
Ahí | “there”, fairly close by, not too far away from the speaker. |
Allí | “there” (over there) but farther away than ahí, or even at a far location from the speaker. |
Allá | “there” (over there) but far away from both the speaker and the other person. |
Ahí Examples
El correo está ahí sobre la mesa.
The mail is there on the table.
Ahí están tus llaves.
There are your keys.
Allí Examples
Nos vemos allí a las siete de la noche.
See you there at seven o’clock.
Quiero ir a california Mi familia vive allí.
I want to go to California. My family lives there.
Allá Examples
Note: sometimes ‘allá‘ is used with a verb of motion.
Allá nos esperará Marcos.
Marcos will wait for us there.
Samantha no ha ido allá.
Samantha has not gone there.
Viajaras allá en avión?
Will you travel there by plane?