Aquí y acá en español mean “here” and both are adverbs of place. Aquí y acá refer to a location that is close to the speaker.
Differences between Aquí and Acá
- Aquí means “here” but it refers to a location or to a specific location close to the speaker.
Aquí se habla español.
Spanish is spoken here.
La oficina de Jason está aquí.
Jason’s office is here.
¿Estás aquí?
Are you here?
- Acá means “here”, a location close to the speaker but less precise than aquí.
Note: the adverb of place acá, is used mostly with a verb of motion.
Acá, nosotros, estamos cargados de trabajo.
Here, we are loaded with work.
La pastelería está por acá.
The bakery is around here.
Luisa, ¡ven acá, por favor!
Luisa, come here, please!
Mi mamá quiere que tomes el autobús y vengas acá tan pronto como puedas.
My mom wants you to take the bus and come here as soon as you can.