Subject Lessons:
Imperatives in Spanish
Commands in Spanish
Subject Exercises:
Positive Imperatives Exercise 1
Negative Imperatives Exercise 1
Also See:
Plural Commands with Vosotros
Plural Commands with Nosotros
The commands in Spanish (los mandatos en español) are used to give advice, direct orders or instructions. Los mandatos are given to the second person of tú (you) in the singular or plural form.
Also see:
Plural Commands with Vosotros
Plural Commands with Nosotros
- Actions in the imperative are in the present. Time is used in the commands to indicate the urgency of the message.
Cierra la puerta.
Close the door.
Apaga la luz ahora.
Turn off the light now.
- When the speaker needs the action to be carried out later, she or he might indicate the time using adverbs/adverbial phrases.
Trae el auto mañana.
Bring the car tomorrow.
Paga el recibo del gas en dos días.
Pay your gas bill in two days.
- When using affirmative or negative commands, the person is told what to do or not to do by the speaker.
Guarda tu teléfono ya.
Put your phone away now.
No abras la puerta.
Do not open the door.
Formal Commands in Spanish
The formal commands in Spanish in the negative or affirmative forms use the pronoun Usted (singular formal) or Ustedes (plural formal).
Pronoun | Verb ending in -ar | Verb ending in -er | Verb ending in -ir |
Escuchar | Comer | Abrir | |
Usted | Escuche | Coma | Abra |
Ustedes | Escuchen | Coman | Abran |
Lean ustedes las instrucciones en el formulario.
Read the instructions on the form.
Reciba usted el correo.
Receive the mail.
No canten en el auto.
Don’t sing in the car.
Irregular Forms of Commands Conjugation
Infinitive | Present Indicative | Formal Singular Usted | Formal Plural Ustedes |
Dar (to give) | Yo doy | dé usted | den ustedes |
Estar (to be) | Yo estoy | esté usted | estén ustedes |
Ir (to go) | Yo voy | vaya usted | vayan ustedes |
Saber (to know) | Yo sé | sepa usted | sepan ustedes |
Dé usted la propina.
You give the tip.
¡Sepa usted qué hacer!
You know what to do!
Formal Negative Commands in Spanish
Infinitive | Formal Usted | Formal Ustedes |
Coser (to sew) | No cosa usted | No cosan ustedes |
Pescar (to fish) | No pesque usted | No pesquen ustedes |
Sufrir (to suffer) | No sufra usted | No sufran ustedes |
No pesque en este lago.
Do not fish in this lake.
¡No sufra más!
Don’t suffer anymore!
More Related Subjects:
Plural Command Forms in Spanish
Imperatives in Spanish
Negative Imperatives Exercise
Positive Imperatives Exercise