Subject Lessons:
Imperatives in Spanish
Commands in Spanish
Subject Exercises:
Positive Imperatives Exercise 1
Negative Imperatives Exercise 1
Also See:
Plural Commands with Vosotros
Plural Commands with Nosotros
The plural commands forms in Spanish (Formas de comandos plurales en español) are composed of the pronoun Nosotros. Also see Plural Commands with Vosotros and Commands in Spanish.
In some cases, Nosotros in the present subjunctive will form “let us” or let’s as used in English to urge or invite others to do something. To form the nosotros commands of regular verbs in Spanish, use the yo form of the present tense and drop the -o or -oy of the ending.
Let’s go now!
¡Vamos ahora!
Let us speak to the manager now.
Hablemos con la gerente ahora.
Let’s not shop here anymore!
¡No compremos más aquí!
Spelling Changes in Nosotros Commands
- Spelling changes with verbs ending in -car, -gar and -zar, change to qu, gu and c.
Buscar / to look for
¡Busquemos las llaves, ahora!
Let’s look for the keys, now!
Agregar / to add
Agreguemos más azúcar al café.
Let’s add more sugar to the coffee.
Cruzar / to cross
¡Crucemos la calle con mucho cuidado!
Let’s cross the street very carefully!
- Verbs ending in -ir have different spelling changes in the nosotros commands form.
Pedir (to ask for) = change the e to i.
Pidamos la cuenta.
Let’s ask for the bill.
Dormir (to sleep) = change the o to u.
Durmamos aquí hoy.
Let’s sleep here today.
Morir (to die) = change the o to u
¡Muramos en el intento!
Let’s die trying!
- To add the reflexive pronoun nos, verbs drop the -s from the nosotros ending -mos of the verb.
Sirvamos = Let’s serve.
Sirvámonos el desayuno.
Let’s serve ourselves breakfast.
Comamos = (Let’s eat)
Comámonos el pastel.
Let’s eat ourselves the cake.
Levantemos = (Let’s get up)
Levantémonos ahora.
Let’s get up now.
- The verb ir and the reflexive irse are irregular in the affirmative and negative commands.
Ir = Vamos. (Let’s go)
Irse = Vámonos. (Let’s go)
¡Vámonos de la casa!
Let’s go out of the house!
Negative Command = No vayamos. (Let’s not go)
¡No vayamos a la fiesta!
Let’s not go to the party!
Related Subjects:
Commands in Spanish
Commands Plural Forms with Vosotros
Commands Plural Forms with Nosotros
Imperatives in Spanish.