Conjunctions in Spanish (conjunciones en español) can be used to connect words, phrases, express contrast or to add information. Coordinating conjunctions in Spanish (conjunciones de coordinación en español) are used to coordinate or join different words or phrases and can be classified into many different types.
Subject Lessons:
Spanish Conjunctions
Coordinating Conjunctions Spanish
Subordinating Conjunctions Spanish
Pero and Sino in Spanish
Subject Exercises:
Mixed Conjunctions Worksheet 1
Spanish Coordinating Conjunctions Exercise
Spanish Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise
Pero vs Sino vs Sino Que Worksheet 1
Pero vs Sino vs Sino Que Exercise 2
Multiple Choice:
Spanish Conjunctions Quiz (Mixed)
Spanish Conjunctions Practice Test 2
PDF Worksheets:
Spanish Conjunctions PDF 1 / PDF 2 / See All
How to Use Coordinating Conjunctions in Spanish
- The conjunctions ‘y‘ and ‘e‘ express addition.
Note: The conjunction ‘e‘ is used instead of ‘y‘ when the following word starts with ‘i‘ or ‘hi‘.
Andre y Sarven están jugando en el parque.
Andre and Sarven are playing in the park.
Lorin e Isabel fueron al cine.
Lorin and Isabel went to the cinema.
- The conjunctions ni…ni are used when negating two or more elements in a sentence.
No quiero ni manzanas ni plátanos.
I want neither apples nor bananas.
- Use the conjunctions ‘o‘ and ‘u‘ to give alternatives or options.
Note: The conjunction ‘u‘ replaces ‘o‘ when the following word starts with o or ho.
¿Quieres ver una película de terror o comedia?
Do you want to see a horror or comedy movie?
Podemos vernos mañana u hoy por tarde.
We can see each other tomorrow or today in the afternoon.
- Conjunctions such as ‘aunque‘, ‘excepto‘, ‘pero‘, ‘no obstante‘ and ‘sin embargo‘ express contrast.
Note: The conjunction ‘no obstante‘ is more formal than ‘sin embargo‘.
Aunque / Excepto / Pero / No obstante / Sin Embargo
James trabaja duro, aunque esto no parece importarte.
James works hard, although this doesn’t seem to matter to you.
Laura se cayó de las escaleras, sin embargo, no resultó herida.
Laura fell off the stairs, however she was not hurt.
Te doy permiso para ir a la fiesta; no obstante, no quiero que vuelvas demasiado tarde.
I give you permission to go to the party; nevertheless, I don’t want you to come back too late.
Todos irán al cine, excepto María.
Everyone will go to the movies, except Maria.
Quiero dar un paseo, pero debo estudiar para mi examen mañana.
I want to take a walk, but I must study for my exam tomorrow.
- The conjunction ‘es decir‘ can be used to give an explanation or to clarify a statement.
El sábado será caluroso. Es decir; Es un día perfecto para ir a la piscina o ir a la playa.
Saturday will be hot. That is to say; It is a perfect day to go to the pool or go to the beach.
See Spanish Coordinating Conjunctions Exercise 1.