Subject Lessons:
Spanish Conjunctions
Coordinating Conjunctions Spanish
Subordinating Conjunctions Spanish
Pero and Sino in Spanish
Subject Exercises:
Mixed Conjunctions Worksheet 1
Spanish Coordinating Conjunctions Exercise
Spanish Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise
Pero vs Sino vs Sino Que Worksheet 1
Pero vs Sino vs Sino Que Exercise 2
Multiple Choice:
Spanish Conjunctions Quiz (Mixed)
Spanish Conjunctions Practice Test 2
PDF Worksheets:
Spanish Conjunctions PDF 1 / PDF 2 / See All
Conjunctions in Spanish (conjunciones en español) can be used to connect words, phrases, express contrast or to add information. Subordinating conjunctions in Spanish (conjunciones subordinadas en español) are clauses that cannot stand alone because their meaning are dependent on each other.
Porque / Puesto que / Ya que
- You can use the conjunctions ‘porque‘, ‘puesto que‘ and ‘ya que‘ to express a reason.
Estoy un poco preocupado porque mi hijo está enfermo.
I am a little worried because my son is sick.
Tuve que comprar un televisor nuevo puesto que el viejo ya no funcionaba bien.
I had to buy a new TV since the old one was no longer working well.
Carl probablemente esté atrapado en el trabajo ya que aún no ha venido.
Carl is probably stuck at work since he hasn’t come yet.
Como / Con tal de que / Si / Siempre que
- Conjunctions such as ‘como‘, ‘con tal de que‘, ‘si‘ and ‘siempre que‘ can be used to express condition.
Como no salgamos ya, vamos a perder el autobús.
If we don’t leave now, we will miss the bus.
Ustedes pueden ir a la fiesta con tal de que regresen temprano.
You can go to the party as long as you come back early.
Si te gusta el libro, cómpralo.
If you like the book, buy it.
Julian sale a correr, siempre que haga buen tiempo.
Julian goes for a run, as long as the weather is good.
A fin de que / Para que
- The conjunctions ‘a fin de que‘ and ‘para que‘ express an aim or a purpose.
Necesitamos salir temprano a fin de que no lleguemos tarde al aeropuerto.
We need to leave early so that we don’t get to the airport late.
Llamaré al director para que escriba la carta de recomendación.
I will call the principal so that he writes the letter of recommendation.
See Spanish Subordinating Conjunctions Exercise.