Spanish Pronouns Lessons:
Personal Pronouns
Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions
Direct Object Pronouns
Indirect Object Pronouns
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Pronouns
Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
Relative Pronouns after Prepositions
Double Object Pronouns
All Pronouns
Spanish Pronouns Exercises:
All Pronouns Exercises
Multiple Choice Pronouns Quiz
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Subject Verb Agreement in Spanish
Personal Pronouns PDF Worksheet
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Indirect Object Pronouns in Spanish usually tell for whom or to whom the action is done. See Indirect Object Pronouns Spanish Exercise 1.
Singular / Plural Spanish Indirect Object Pronouns
Singular Form | Examples |
me – to me | Juana me habla. Juana talks to me. |
te – to you (familiar) | Juana te habla. Juanna talks to you. |
le – to you, to him, to her, to it | Juana le habla. Juana talks to you (him, her, it). |
Plural Form | Examples |
nos – to us | Juana nos habla. Juana talks to us. |
os – to you (formal/familiar) | Juana os habla. Juana talks to you. |
les – to you, to them (masc. & fem.) | Juana les habla. Juana talks to you (to them). |
More Examples:
Juana me dio dos libros. | Juana gave me two books. |
Juana le dio dos libros a ella. | Juana gave two books to her. |
The third person singular le and plural les are used for both feminine and masculine objects.
In Spain, ‘Os’ is the plural informal indirect and direct object pronoun of ‘Vosotros‘. In some Latin America and Central America countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc… the personal pronoun ‘Usted’ and ‘Ustedes’ does not change to ‘Os‘.
The indirect object usually tells for whom or to whom the action is done, for example:
Le dije que vendría.
I told I would come (to whom?)
The above statement needs clarification since it is difficult for the reader/listener to know who/whom was told that the speaker was coming.
Le dije a Juana que vendría. | I told Juana I would come. |
Le dije a ellaque vendría. | I told her I would come. |
The following list of verbs can be used with a Spanish Indirect Object Pronoun.
Verb in Spanish | English |
Contar(le) | to say, to tell |
Escribir(le) | to write |
Dar(le) | to give |
Decir(le) | to say |
Hablar(le) | to talk, to speak |
Pedir(le) | to ask |
Limpiar(le) | to clean |
Traer(le) | to bring |
Regalar(le) | to gift |
Servir(le) | to serve |
To make sentences negative, place the word no in front of the indirect object pronoun.
Juana no me habla.
(Juana does not talk to me.)
Juana no te habla.
(Juana does not talk to you.)
With the affirmative commands plus the gerundios -ando, -iendo, attach the pronoun.
Carlos anda comprándole el regalo a Juana.
(Carlos is buying the gift for Juana.)
Estoy sirviéndole el té a Juana.
(I am serving the tea to Juana.)
- The indirect object usually tells for whom or to whom the action is done.
- The third person singular le and plural les are used for both feminine and masculine objects.
- To make sentences negative, place the word no in front of the indirect object pronoun.
- With the affirmative commands plus the gerundios -ando, -iendo, attach the pronoun.
- Review all pronouns in Spanish.