Spanish Pronouns Lessons:
Personal Pronouns
Pronouns as Objects of Prepositions
Direct Object Pronouns
Indirect Object Pronouns
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Pronouns
Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
Relative Pronouns after Prepositions
Double Object Pronouns
All Pronouns
Spanish Pronouns Exercises:
All Pronouns Exercises
Multiple Choice Pronouns Quiz
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Subject Verb Agreement in Spanish
Personal Pronouns PDF Worksheet
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Relative pronouns after prepositions in Spanish function as the direct object of a verb answering the question who, whom or what.
Atraparon al ladrón, a quien descubrieron robando la tienda.
They caught the thief, whom they discovered robbing the store.
- Que can follow the prepositions a, de, en and con in the case that que does not refer to a person.
Esta es la casa en que vivimos.
This is the house in which we live in.
Esa es la motocicleta en que tuvieron el accidente.
That’s the motorcycle in which they had the accident on.
- Que can follow the preposition de when a person is the antecedent.
Ese es la maestro de que te hablaba.
That’s the teacher about whom I was talking about.
- Quien, quienes, el que, la que refer to people and can follow any prepositions.
Mi amiga, quien vino a la fiesta, es muy divertida.
My friend, who came to the party is very funny.
Las chicas, con quienes fuimos a la playa, son nuestras amigas.
The girls, with whom we went to the beach, are our friends.
Mi primo, el que es músico, está enfermo.
My cousin, the one who is a musician, is sick.
- El que, los que, la que, las que, el cual, la cual, las cuales, los cuales can be used after any preposition.
Estamos en la terraza desde la cual vemos la ciudad.
We are on the terrace from which we see the city.
La escuela en la que estudio está cerrada.
The school that I study at is closed.
Cuyo and Cuya Relative Adjectives in Spanish
In Spanish, cuya and cuyo mean whose, they refer to people and things. Cuyo and cuya precede the noun they modify and agree in gender and number.
El proyecto, cuyo diseño es mío, fue el ganador.
The project, whose design is mine, was the winner.
La niña, cuyos ojos son verdes, es muy agradable.
The girl, whose eyes are green, is very nice.
Apoyemos a los pintores cuyas obras son muy buenas.
Let’s support the painters whose works are very good.