Present Tense Lessons:
Present Tense in Spanish (indicative)
Regular Verbs in Present Tense
Irregular Verbs in Present Tense
Present Tense Stem Changing Verbs
Present Subjunctive (mood) in Spanish
Irregular Verbs in Present Subjunctive
Present Subjunctive Stem Changing
All Verb Tenses
Present Tense Exercises:
Present Tense Exercises 1
Present Tense Regular Verbs 1
Present Tense Irregular Verbs 1
Present Subjunctive (Mood) Exercise 1
Present Subjunctive Tense Worksheet 2 / 3 / 4
Irregular Verbs in the Present Subjunctive in Spanish (verbos irregulares en presente de subjuntivo)– To conjugate the irregular verbs, refer to the irregular yo form only in the present indicative and continue using the subjunctive stems for all the pronouns.
Irregular Verbs Table in the Present Subjunctive
Pronoun | Caer (to fall) | Hacer (to do/make) | Poner (to put) | Salir (to go out) | Traer (to bring) | Valer (to be worth) |
Yo | caiga | haga | ponga | salga | traiga | valga |
Tú | caigas | hagas | pongas | salgas | traigas | valgas |
Él/Ella/Usted | caiga | haga | ponga | salga | traiga | valga |
Nosotros Nosotras | caigamos | hagamos | pongamos | salgamos | traigamos | valgamos |
Vosotros Vosotras | caigáis | hagáis | pongáis | salgáis | traigáis | valgáis |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | caigan | hagan | pongan | salgan | traigan | valgan |
Eric quiere que tú traigas el pastel de frutas.
Eric wants you to bring the fruitcake.
Dudo que ellos salgan de casa a tiempo.
I doubt they will get out of the house on time.
Ángela prefiere que hagas los preparativos para la fiesta.
Angela prefers you to make preparations for the party.
More Irregular Verbs
In Spanish, there are six verbs that do not follow the ‘regular rule‘ for the present subjunctive formation. The present subjunctive formation follows:
Pronoun | Dar (to give) | Estar (to be) | Haber (to have Aux.) | Ir (to go) | Saber (to know) | Ser (to be) |
Yo | dé | esté | haya | vaya | sepa | sea |
Tú | des | estés | hayas | vayas | sepas | seas |
Él/Ella/Usted | dé | esté | haya | vaya | sepa | sea |
Nosotros Nosotras | demos | estemos | hayamos | vayamos | sepamos | seamos |
Vosotros Vosotras | deis | estéis | hayáis | vayáis | sepáis | seáis |
Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes | den | estén | hayan | vayan | sepan | sean |
Las trabajadoras quieren que la gerente sea más cortés.
The workers want the manager to be more courteous.
Lara duda que vosotros vayáis al crucero.
Lara doubts that you will go on the cruise.
Quiere que sepas sus deseos de trabajar aquí.
He wants you to know his wishes to work here.