The present perfect subjunctive in Spanish (El presente perfecto de subjuntivo) is another subjunctive tense / mood in Spanish. This tense usually refers to an action that was completed in the immediate or in a recent past.
Subject Explanations:
Present Perfect Tense in Spanish
Present Perfect Subjunctive Mood
Subject Exercises:
Present Perfect Exercise 1
Present Perfect Exercise 2
Present Perfect Subjunctive Exercise 1
Present Perfect Subjunctive Worksheet 2
To form the present perfect subjunctive:
Use the haber in the present subjunctive + past participle of the verb.
The Present Perfect Subjunctive Conjugation Table
Pronoun | Haber (Auxiliary form to have) | Cantar (to sing) |
Yo | haya | cantado |
Tú | hayas | cantado |
Él/Ella/Usted | haya | cantado |
Nosotros/nosotras | hayamos | cantado |
Vosotros/vosotras | hayáis | cantado |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | hayan | cantado |
- The first and the third person of the singular are the same (haya).
- Only the vosotros form of the haber have a written accent mark.
Mis amigos están contentos que yo haya cantado en el karaoke hoy.
My friends are happy that I sang karaoke today.
Laura vendrá cuando hayas terminado.
Laura will come when you have finished.
Using the Present Perfect Subjunctive in Spanish
- In the present perfect subjunctive, it is important to have an appropriate sequence of tenses. When using this tense in Spanish, the action in the dependent clause needs to have happened before the main clause.
Charlie y Sammy dudan que yo haya entregado el proyecto ayer.
Charlie and Sammy doubt that I delivered the project yesterday.
In the example above, the action of doubt is happening in the present, however, haya entregado happened in the past before the action in the main clause takes place.
- The present perfect subjunctive, may also refer to a future action depending on the context.
Llama a tu padre cuando hayas salido del trabajo.
Call your dad when you have gotten off work.
In the example above, the action llama a tu padre will take place in the future, however, the action hayas salido would have happened by the time the subject “calls“.
Also see Present Perfect Tense (indicative mood) in Spanish.