Present Tense Lessons:
Present Tense in Spanish (indicative)
Regular Verbs in Present Tense
Irregular Verbs in Present Tense
Present Tense Stem Changing Verbs
Present Subjunctive (mood) in Spanish
Irregular Verbs in Present Subjunctive
Present Subjunctive Stem Changing
All Verb Tenses
Present Tense Exercises:
Present Tense Exercises 1
Present Tense Regular Verbs 1
Present Tense Irregular Verbs 1
Present Subjunctive (Mood) Exercise 1
Present Subjunctive Tense Worksheet 2 / 3 / 4
Spanish Verb Moods
There are three moods in Spanish; the subjunctive mood, indicative mood and the imperative. Indicative mood is when the speaker is being objective (talking/expecting based on facts, etc.), imperative mood is when the speaker is commanding. The subjunctive mood is when the speaker is (subjectively) thinking / hoping / suspecting personally.
The Present Subjunctive (presente de subjuntivo en español) is used to express thoughts, beliefs, expectations or assumptions in the present. Therefore, it reflects how the speaker feels about the action.
Despite it’s name the present subjunctive can also be used in the future. The subjunctive mood is widely used in Spanish, but it is rarely used in English.
Also see subjunctive mood in pluperfect and subjunctive in imperfect tenses.
The Present Subjunctive Conjugation
To conjugate the Present Subjunctive of most verbs, it is important to refer to the present indicative forms because the stem of present subjunctive verbs comes from the yo form of the present indicative.
Pronoun | Hablar (to speak) | Tener (to have) | Recibir (to receive) |
Yo | Hable | Tenga | Reciba |
Tú | Hables | Tengas | Recibas |
Él/Ella/Usted | Hable | Tenga | Reciba |
Nosotros/nosotras | Hablemos | Tengamos | Recibamos |
Vosotros/vosotras | Habléis | Tengáis | Recibáis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | Hablen | Tengan | Reciban |
- The -er and -ir regular verbs have the same endings.
- The first and third person of the singular present subjunctive forms have the same endings.
Yo hable con el director pero no creo que esta convencido de aceptar la propuesta.
I spoke to the director but I don’t think he is convinced to accept the proposal.
Espero que usted tenga dinero para pagar la factura.
I hope you have money to pay the bill.
Por favor reciba el paquete.
Please receive the package.
Uses of the Present Subjunctive in Spanish
The present subjunctive can also be used in noun clauses.
- Use a dependent clause to reflect disbelief, doubt, denial or uncertainty about an outcome of actions or events. The “doubt, denial or uncertainty” occurs in the main clause.
No creo que Lucía viva en esta calle.
I don’t think Lucia lives on this street.
Dudo que Andrés cante en el coro de la escuela.
I doubt that Andrés will sing in the school choir.
No estoy seguro de que Isabel compre los boletos.
I’m not sure that Isabel will buy the tickets.
- Use a dependent clause to express advice, suggestion or command.
Les ordeno que salgan de mi casa.
I order you to get out of my house.
Mi padre no deja que yo vea a Carlos.
My father does not let me see Carlos.
- Use the subjunctive to communicate attitudes, emotions or feelings.
Me molesta que usted quiera ir sin mí.
It bothers me that you want to go without me.
Me alegro de que Marcos venga a visitarme.
I’m glad Marcos comes to visit me.
- Use the subjunctive to express hope, preference or wish about actions in the dependent clause.
Los trabajadores esperan que se aprueben las vacaciones.
The workers hope for the vacations to be approved.
Preferimos que usted trabaje aquí.
We prefer that you work here.
- Use the subjunctive to ask permission or to make a request.
Te pido que devuelva mis herramientas mañana por la tarde.
I ask that you return my tools tomorrow afternoon.
Les ruego que manejen con precaución.
I beg you to drive with caution.
- Use the subjunctive to communicate surprise or disbelief.
Nos sorprende de que María reciba un bono.
We are surprised that Maria receives a bonus.
Expressions of Doubt / Disbelief / Uncertainty
Expressions of doubt/disbelief/uncertainty | Meaning |
Dudar (que) | to doubt (that) |
Negar (que) | to deny (that) |
No creer (que) | not to believe (that) |
No estar seguro (a) de (que) | not to be sure (that) |
No pensar (que) | not to think (that) |
Expressions of Advice / Command / Suggestion
Expressions of advice / command / suggestion | Meaning |
Aconsejar (que) | to advise (that) |
Dejar (que) | to allow (that) |
Decir (que) | to tell (that) (command) |
Exigir (que) | to demand (that) |
Hacer (que) | to make (that) |
Ordenar (que) | to order (that) |
Recomendar (que) | to recommend (that) |
Sugerir (que) | to suggest (that) |
Expressions of Feelings / Emotions in Spanish
Expressions of feelings/emotions | Meaning |
Alegrar(se) de (que) | to be glad (that) |
Enojarse de (que) | to be angry (that) |
Estar contento (a) de (que) | to be glad (that) |
Molestarse (que) | to get annoyed/upset (that) |
Sentir (que) | to regret (that) |
Temer (que) | to fear (that) |
Expressions of Hope / Wish / Preference
Expressions of hope/wish/preference | Meaning |
Desear (que) | to wish (that) |
Esperar (que) | to hope (that) |
Insistir en (que) | to insist (that) |
Preferir (que) | to prefer (that) |
Querer (que) | to want (that) |
Expressions of Permission / Request in Spanish
Expressions of permission/request | Meaning |
Pedir (que) | to ask for/ to ask (that) |
Rogar (que) | to ask (that) |
Suplicar (que) | to plead (that) |