Present Tense Lessons:
Present Tense in Spanish (indicative)
Regular Verbs in Present Tense
Irregular Verbs in Present Tense
Present Tense Stem Changing Verbs
Present Subjunctive (mood) in Spanish
Irregular Verbs in Present Subjunctive
Present Subjunctive Stem Changing
All Verb Tenses
Present Tense Exercises:
Present Tense Exercises 1
Present Tense Regular Verbs 1
Present Tense Irregular Verbs 1
Present Subjunctive (Mood) Exercise 1
Present Subjunctive Tense Worksheet 2 / 3 / 4
To conjugate the verbs with spelling changes in the present subjunctive in Spanish, use the spelling changes that occur in the yo form of the preterit indicative.
Spanish Stem Changing Verbs Present Subjunctive
- Verbs ending in -car changes to –qu.
Explicar: expliqué (to explain).
Le expliqué las razones a la jueza.
I explained the reasons to the judge.
- Verbs ending in -gar changes to -gu.
Llegar: llegué (to come/ to arrive).
Quiero que tú llegues hoy por la tarde a mi casa.
I want you to come to my house this afternoon.
- Verbs ending in -ger and -gir change the g of the stem to j.
Escoger: Escoja (to choose).
Amelía quiere que escoja la ropa para la cena.
Amelia wants me to choose the clothes for dinner.
Exigir: Exija (to demand)
Quiero que Manuel exija sus derechos.
I want Manuel to demand his rights.
- Verbs ending in -zar changes to -c.
Comenzar: comencé (to start).
Yo comencé mis clases de español hoy.
I started my Spanish classes today.
More on Stem-changing Verbs in the Present Subjunctive in Spanish
Stem-changing verbs ending in -ar and -er change the stem vowel e to ie in the present indicative show the same changes in the present subjunctive, with the exceptions of the plural nosotros and vosotros.
Pronoun | Verb ending in -ar Pensar (to think) | Verb ending in -er Entender (to understand) |
Yo | piense | entienda |
Tú | pienses | entiendas |
Él/Ella/Usted | piense | entienda |
Nosotros / nosotras | pensemos | entendamos |
Vosotros / vosotras | penséis | entendáis |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes | piensen | entiendan |
Stem-changing verbs ending in -ar and -er change the stem vowel o to ue in the present indicative show the same changes in the present subjunctive, with the exceptions of the plural nosotros and vosotros.
Pronoun | Verb ending in -ar Demostrar (to demostrate) | Verb ending in -er Envolver (to wrap) |
Yo | demuestre | envuelva |
Tú | demuestres | envuelvas |
Él/Ella/Usted | demuestre | envuelva |
Nosotros/nosotras | demostremos | envolvamos |
Vosotros/vosotras | demostréis | envolváis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | demuestren | envuelvan |
Some stem-changing verbs ending in -ir have different changes in the stem vowel in the present subjunctive:
Pronoun | Mentir (to lie) e changes to ie | Morir (to die) o changes to ue | Servir (to serve) e changes to i |
Yo | mienta | muera | sirva |
Tú | mientas | mueras | sirvas |
Él/Ella/Usted | mienta | muera | sirva |
Nosotros/nosotras | mintamos | muramos | sirvamos |
Vosotros/vosotras | mintáis | muráis | sirváis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | mientan | mueran | sirvan |
Dudo que ustedes entiendan mis acciones.
I doubt that you guys understand my actions.
Por favor, envuelva bien las telas y los hilos.
Please, wrap fabrics and threads tightly.
¿Quieres que te sirvan la cena?
Do you want dinner served?