Spanish Irregular Verbs in The Present Tense

In Spanish, irregular verbs, are verbs that usually do not follow the regular conjugation rules of the infinitive ending on the verb (-ar, -er, and -ir). These verbs are irregular only in the first person singular, or yo (I) form; all the other forms in the present are regular.

Irregular Verbs Table

VerbYo (Form)Translation
caberquepoto fit
caercaigoto fall
creercreoto believe
cubrircubroto cover
dardoyto give
estarestoyto be / to stay
hacer hagoto do
saberto know
salirsalgoto leave
traertraigoto bring
verveoto see

Yo hago los platos todos los días.
I do the dishes everyday.

Verbs that end with a vowel followed by -cer and -cir, the c is changed to zco in the first person singular only (Yo).

(Verb Agradecer) – Agradezco que estén en mi fiesta.
I am grateful that you are in my party.

(Verb Conocer) – Conozco a Juana y es una buena persona.
I know Juana and she is a good person.

Irregular Verbs ending in -Cer and Cir

VerboYo (Form)Translation
agradeceragradezcoto thank, to be grateful
apareceraparezcoto appear
crecercrezcoto grow
conocerconozcoto know
complacercomplazcoto please
conducirconduzcoto drive
establecerestablezcoto establish
merecermerezcoto deserve
ofrecerofrezcoto offer
padecerpadezcoto suffer (illnes-allergies)
pertenecerpertenezcoto belong
producirproduzcoto produce
reconocerreconozcoto recognize
traducirtraduzcoto translate

Irregular Verbs (Compounds verbs with prefixes des-, dis-, com-, con-, etc)

For these verbs, just add the consonant g between the radical and the verb ending.

(Verbo – Componer) Yo compongo canciones de navidad.
(Verb- Compose) I compose Christmas songs.

Irregular Verbs with prefixes des-, dis-, com-, con-

VerboYo (form)Translation
componercompongoto compose
deshacerdeshagoto undo
disponerdispongo to provide/to arrange
distraerdistraigoto distract
proponerpropongoto propose
rehacerrehagoto remake/ to redo
suponersupongoto suppose/ to assume/ to guess

Irregular Verbs ending in -ger or -gir — change the g to jo (for the first person only)

VerboYo (form)Translation
cogercojoto catch/ to grab
encogerencojoto shrink
escogerescojoto choose
exigirexijoto demand
dirigirdirijoto direct
fingirfinjoto pretend
protegerprotejoto protect
recogerrecojoto pick up


  • Irregular verbs are irregular only in the first person singular, or yo (I) form; all the other forms in the present are regular.
  • Verbs that end with a vowel followed by -cer and -cir, the c is changed to zco in the first person singular only (Yo).
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