Present Tense Lessons:
Present Tense in Spanish (indicative)
Regular Verbs in Present Tense
Irregular Verbs in Present Tense
Present Tense Stem Changing Verbs
Present Subjunctive (mood) in Spanish
Irregular Verbs in Present Subjunctive
Present Subjunctive Stem Changing
All Verb Tenses
Present Tense Exercises:
Present Tense Exercises 1
Present Tense Regular Verbs 1
Present Tense Irregular Verbs 1
Present Subjunctive (Mood) Exercise 1
Present Subjunctive Tense Worksheet 2 / 3 / 4
In Spanish, irregular verbs, are verbs that usually do not follow the regular conjugation rules of the infinitive ending on the verb (-ar, -er, and -ir). These verbs are irregular only in the first person singular, or yo (I) form; all the other forms in the present are regular.
Irregular Verbs Table
Verb | Yo (Form) | Translation |
caber | quepo | to fit |
caer | caigo | to fall |
creer | creo | to believe |
cubrir | cubro | to cover |
dar | doy | to give |
estar | estoy | to be / to stay |
hacer | hago | to do |
saber | sé | to know |
salir | salgo | to leave |
traer | traigo | to bring |
ver | veo | to see |
Yo hago los platos todos los días.
I do the dishes everyday.
Verbs that end with a vowel followed by -cer and -cir, the c is changed to zco in the first person singular only (Yo).
(Verb Agradecer) – Agradezco que estén en mi fiesta.
I am grateful that you are in my party.
(Verb Conocer) – Conozco a Juana y es una buena persona.
I know Juana and she is a good person.
Irregular Verbs ending in -Cer and Cir
Verbo | Yo (Form) | Translation |
agradecer | agradezco | to thank, to be grateful |
aparecer | aparezco | to appear |
crecer | crezco | to grow |
conocer | conozco | to know |
complacer | complazco | to please |
conducir | conduzco | to drive |
establecer | establezco | to establish |
merecer | merezco | to deserve |
ofrecer | ofrezco | to offer |
padecer | padezco | to suffer (illnes-allergies) |
pertenecer | pertenezco | to belong |
producir | produzco | to produce |
reconocer | reconozco | to recognize |
traducir | traduzco | to translate |
Irregular Verbs (Compounds verbs with prefixes des-, dis-, com-, con-, etc)
For these verbs, just add the consonant g between the radical and the verb ending.
(Verbo – Componer) Yo compongo canciones de navidad.
(Verb- Compose) I compose Christmas songs.
Irregular Verbs with prefixes des-, dis-, com-, con-
Verbo | Yo (form) | Translation |
componer | compongo | to compose |
deshacer | deshago | to undo |
disponer | dispongo | to provide/to arrange |
distraer | distraigo | to distract |
proponer | propongo | to propose |
rehacer | rehago | to remake/ to redo |
suponer | supongo | to suppose/ to assume/ to guess |
Irregular Verbs ending in -ger or -gir — change the g to jo (for the first person only)
Verbo | Yo (form) | Translation |
coger | cojo | to catch/ to grab |
encoger | encojo | to shrink |
escoger | escojo | to choose |
exigir | exijo | to demand |
dirigir | dirijo | to direct |
fingir | finjo | to pretend |
proteger | protejo | to protect |
recoger | recojo | to pick up |
- Irregular verbs are irregular only in the first person singular, or yo (I) form; all the other forms in the present are regular.
- Verbs that end with a vowel followed by -cer and -cir, the c is changed to zco in the first person singular only (Yo).