The conditional tense (el condicional simple en español) in the future tense is used in Spanish and English to communicate hypothetical actions/events and probabilities for the future, present and past.
Subject Lessons:
The Conditional Tense
Regular Verbs in Conditional Tense
Irregular Verbs in Conditional Tense
Subject Exercises:
Conditional Tense Exercises
Conditional Tense Regular Verbs 1
Conditional Tense Irregular Verbs 1
• The conditional tense is used to indicate actions/events that may or may not happen in the future.
Nosotros iremos a Miami.
We will go to Miami.
In this example, the speaker expresses the interest of going (iremos) to Miami in the future but there is no certainty if the event will take place.
• The conditional tense indicates a future action based on an action in the past.
Laura dijo que haría un postre.
Laura said that she will prepare a dessert.
• The conditional tense expresses actions/events that may or may not happen in the present
Me tomaría un café ahorita.
I would drink a cup of coffee now.
• The conditional tense is used to express probability, wonder, ability, etc in an activity/action or event in the past.
¿Habría cerrado Marcos la puerta?
I wonder if Marcos closed the door.
Costaría unos treinta euros el vestido.
The dress cost approximately thirty euros.
• The conditional tense can be used to express hypothetical/habitual situations using the if-clauses
Si pudiera, viviría a Londres.
If I could, I would go to London.
Si pudieramos, iríamos de vacaciones todos los veranos.
If we could, we would go on vacation every summer.
Isabel dijo que vendría hoy, si tiene tiene tiempo.
Isabel said that she would come today, if she has time.
See the Conditional Tense in Spanish Exercise.