Subject Lessons:
The Progressive Tenses
Present Participle Regular Verbs
Present Participle Irregular Verbs
Stem Changing Verbs in the Present Participle
All Verb Tenses
Subject Exercises:
Present Participle Exercise
Present Participle Regular Verbs
Present Participle Irregular Verbs
Stem Changing Verbs in Present Participle
Some verbs in the present tense in Spanish change their form when conjugated in the present participle.
- Some verbs ending in -ir with a stem vowel o change to the vowel u
Dormir (to sleep)
Luis está durmiendo en mi sofá.
Luis is sleeping on my sofa.
Morir (to die)
¡Sofia se está muriendo de hambre!
Sofia is dying of hunger! Or Sofia is starving!
- Some verbs ending in -ir change the stem vowel e to i
Competir (to compete)
Sam está compitiendo en los Juegos Olímpicos de natación.
Sam is competing in the swimming Olympics.
Some Stem-changing Verbs Ending in -ir in the Present Participle
Verb ending in -ir | Stem-change verb | Meaning |
Advertir | advirtiendo | to warn |
Conseguir | consiguiendo | to get |
Consentir | consintiendo | to agree/to spoil |
Decir | diciendo | to say |
Hervir | hirviendo | boil |
Pedir | pidiendo | to ask for |
Reír | riendo | to laugh |
Repetir | repitiendo | to repeat |
Seguir | siguiendo | to follow |
Servir | sirviendo | to serve |
Sugerir | sugiriendo | to suggest |
Venir | viniendo | to come |
Samantha está hirviendo el agua para el café.
Samantha is boiling the water for the coffee.
Aurora está pidiendo asistencia médica.
Aurora is asking for medical assistance.
Los meseros están sirviendo la cena.
The waiters are serving the dinner.
Mis tíos están viniendo de España.
My uncles are coming from Spain.