Subject Lessons:
The Progressive Tenses
Present Participle Regular Verbs
Present Participle Irregular Verbs
Stem Changing Verbs in the Present Participle
All Verb Tenses
Subject Exercises:
Present Participle Exercise
Present Participle Regular Verbs
Present Participle Irregular Verbs
Stem Changing Verbs in Present Participle
In Spanish, for regular verbs in the present participle, the infinitives of the verbs ending in -ar, -er or ir will be drop and the endings -ando for -ar verbs and -iendo for -er and -ir verbs will be added.
Regular Verbs in the Present Participle Table
Verb -ar | Gerundio -ando |
Caminar (to walk) | Caminando |
Cocinar (to cook) | Cocinando |
Hablar (to speak) | Hablando |
Sacar (to take out) | Sacando |
Verb -er | Gerundio -iendo |
Beber (to drink) | Bebiendo |
Crecer (to grow) | Creciendo |
Tener (to have) | Teniendo |
Verb -ir | Gerundio -iendo |
Competir (to compete) | Compitiendo |
Hervir (to boil) | Hirviendo |
Servir (to serve) | Sirviendo |
Estoy caminando hacia la escuela.
I am walking to school.
Mario y Lucía están bebiendo vino.
Mario and Lucía are drinking wine.
Los nadadores están compitiendo en las olimpiadas.
The swimmers are competing in the Olympics.
Remember that the verbs ending in -er and -ir share the same gerundio endings.