Spanish Vocabulary Lists:
Animals in Spanish
Body Parts in Spanish / Clothes in Spanish
Family in Spanish / Food and Drinks Spanish
Fruits in Spanish / Vegetables in Spanish
Bathroom / Bedroom / Kitchen / Room Names
Living Room Furniture / Shapes in Spanish
Occupations / Transportation in Spanish
Spanish Vocabulary Exercises:
Animals in Spanish Worksheet
Body Parts Spanish Worksheet
Spanish Family Tree Exercise
Fruits / Vegetables Spanish Exercise
Bathroom / Bedroom / Kitchen / Room Names
Living Room Furniture / Shapes
Occupations / Transportation in Spanish
Spanish bathroom furniture and Items vocabulary list with example sentences (los muebles y artículos del baño en español)
Bathroom Furniture and Items in Spanish
Vocabulary | Word in Spanish | Example Sentence in Spanish |
Bathtub | Bañera | La bañera es pequeña. The bathtub is small. |
Bath mat | Alfombrilla de baño | Mi alfombrilla de baño es azul. My bath mat is blue. |
Bidet | Bidé | Arturo no usa el bidé. Arturo doesn’t use the bidet. |
Dental floss | Hilo dental | Mi hilo dental tiene sabor a menta. My dental floss has a mint flavor. |
Hair dryer | Secador de pelo | Patty no usa el secador de pelo. Patty doesn’t use the hair dryer. |
Mirror | Espejo | Hay dos espejos en mi baño. There are two mirrors in my bathroom. |
Razor | Maquinilla de afeitar | Tengo una maquinilla de afeitar en la ducha. I have a razor in the shower. |
Scale | Báscula | Una vez al mes utilizo mi báscula. Once a month I use my scale. |
Shower | Ducha | Alberto estaba en el baño dandose una ducha. Alberto was in the bathroom taking a shower. |
Shower curtain | Cortina de la ducha | Las cortinas de baño están sucias. The shower curtains are dirty. |
Sink | Lavabo / Fregadero | Mariana limpió el lavabo. Mariana cleaned the sink. |
Shampoo | Champú | Siempre uso champú en mi cabello. I always use shampoo on my hair. |
Soap | Jabón | Me lavo las manos con jabón. I wash my hands with soap. |
Tap / Faucet | Grifo | El grifo está dañado. The tap is damaged. |
Toilet | Inodoro / váter | El inodoro está tapado. The toilet is clogged. |
Toilet paper | Papel higiénico | El papel higiénico es blanco. The toilet paper is white. |
Toothbrush | Cepillo de dientes | Mi cepillo de dientes es eléctrico. My toothbrush is electric. |
Toothpaste | Pasta dental | Siempre uso pasta dental. I always use toothpaste. |
Towel | Toalla | Las toallas son pequeñas. The towels are small. |
Trash can | Bote de basura | El bote de basura de mi baño es pequeño. My bathroom trash can is small. |
Washing machine | Lavadora | La lavadora no funciona. The washing machine is broken. |