Spanish Vocabulary Lists:
Animals in Spanish
Body Parts in Spanish / Clothes in Spanish
Family in Spanish / Food and Drinks Spanish
Fruits in Spanish / Vegetables in Spanish
Bathroom / Bedroom / Kitchen / Room Names
Living Room Furniture / Shapes in Spanish
Occupations / Transportation in Spanish
Spanish Vocabulary Exercises:
Animals in Spanish Worksheet
Body Parts Spanish Worksheet
Spanish Family Tree Exercise
Fruits / Vegetables Spanish Exercise
Bathroom / Bedroom / Kitchen / Room Names
Living Room Furniture / Shapes
Occupations / Transportation in Spanish
Learn family members in Spanish with this extensive vocabulary list and example sentences (miembros de la familia en español).
See Family in Spanish Kids PDF for more beginners activities with pictures for children.
Spanish Family Members List
Family Member | Family in Spanish | Example |
Aunt | Tía | Mi tía no es muy alta. My aunt is not very tall. |
Baby | Bebé (F/M) | La bebé de mi prima es hermosa. My cousin’s baby is beautiful. |
Brother | Hermano | Mi hermano juega fútbol. My brother plays soccer. |
Cousin | Primo / Prima | Mi prima está de visita hoy. My cousin is visiting today. |
Dad / Daddy | Papá / Papi | My daddy is friendly. Mi papi es amigable. |
Daughter | Hija | La hija de Saúl es muy diligente. Saul’s daughter is very diligent. |
Family | Family | Nuestra familia es muy unida. Our family is very close. |
Father | Padre | ¿Tu padre es un doctor? Is your father a doctor? |
First cousin (female) | Prima hermana | Mi prima hermana es mi mejor amiga. My first cousin is my best friend. |
First cousin (male) | Primo hermano | Mi primo hermano es mi mejor amigo. My first cousin is my best friend. |
Grandfather | Abuelo | A mi abuelo le encanta comer manzanas. My grandfather loves to eat apples. |
Grandmother | Abuela | La abuela de Ben nos dio dinero. Ben’s grandmother gave us money. |
Granddaughter | Nieta | Mi nieta va a la universidad. My granddaughter goes to college. |
Grandson | Nieto | Nuestro nieto es muy diligente en la escuela. Our grandson is very diligent in school. |
Great-grandfather | Bisabuelo | Mi bisabuelo era de España. My great-grandfather was from Spain. |
Great-grandmother | Bisabuela | Mi bisabuela era dulce y cariñosa. My great-grandmother was sweet and loving. |
Great-great-grandfather | Tatarabuelo | Mi tatarabuelo era mago. My great-great-grandfather was a magician. |
Great-great-grandmother | Tatarabuela | Mi tatarabuela era actriz. My great-great-grandmother was an actress. |
Identical twin | Gemelas (o) idénticas | Judy y Junieth son gemelas idénticas. Judy and Junieth are identical twins. |
Mother / Mom / Mommy | Madre / Mamá / Mami | Mi madre es profesora. My mother is a teacher. |
Nephew | Sobrino | Tu sobrino es muy travieso. Your nephew is very naughty. |
Niece | Sobrina | Tu sobrina es linda. Your niece is cute. |
Older (oldest) brother | Hermano mayor | Yo tengo un hermano mayor. I have an older brother. |
Older (oldest) sister | Hermana mayor | Mi hermana mayor no conduce. My older sister doesn’t drive. |
Orphan | Huérfano (a) | Carlos es un niño huérfano. Carlos is an orphan child. |
Parents | Padres | Mis padres llevan casados veinte años. My parents have been married for twenty years. |
Siblings | Hermanos (as) | Amo mucho a mis hermanas. I love my siblings very much. |
Sister | Hermana | Mi hermana estudia en la universidad. My sister studies at the university. |
Son | Hijo | El hijo de Matt es un gran trabajador. Matt’s son is a hard worker. |
Younger (youngest) brother | Hermano menor | Mi hermano menor va en bicicleta al trabajo. My youngest brother rides his bike to work. |
Younger (youngest) sister | Hermana menor | A mi hermana menor le gusta bailar. My younger sister likes to dance. |
Uncle | Tío | Mi tío es ingeniero. My uncle is an engineer. |
Political Relatives in Spanish
Family Member | Family in Spanish | Example |
Bride, fiancé, girlfriend | Novia | Mi novia cocina muy bien. My girlfriend cooks very well. |
Boyfriend, groom, fiancé | Novio | El novio de Amy trabaja en un hotel. Amy’s boyfriend works at a hotel. |
Brother-in-law | Cuñado | Mi cuñado es profesor. My brother-in-law is a teacher. |
Close friend (female) | Comadre | Mi comadre hace unos tamales deliciosos. My close friend makes delicious tamales. |
Close friend (male) | Compadre | Mi compadre viene de visita esta tarde. My close friend is visiting this afternoon. |
Daughter-in-law | Nuera | Yo visito a mi nuera todos los domingos. I visit my daughter-in-law every Sunday. |
Father-in-law | Suegro | Tu suegro es muy cómico. Your father-in-law is very funny. |
Godmother | Madrina | Tu madrina es una buena persona. Your godmother is a good person. |
Godfather | Padrino | Mi padrino lee el periódico todas las mañanas. My godfather reads the newspaper every morning. |
Godparents | Padrinos | Mis padrinos siempre me cuidan muy bien. My godparents always take good care of me. |
Husband | Esposo / Marido | Mi esposo es muy cariñoso. My husband is very loving. |
Mother-in-law | Suegra | A mi suegra le gusta ir de compras. My mother-in-law likes to go shopping. |
Neighbors | Vecinos | Mis vecinos son muy amables. My neighbors are very nice. |
Relatives | Parientes | Tengo algunos parientes que viven en el campo. I have some relatives who live in the countryside. |
Son-in-law | Yerno | Mi yerno trabaja en un restaurante. My son-in-law works in at a restaurant. |
Step-brother | Hermanastro | A mi hermanastro le encanta comer panqueques. My step-brother loves to eat pancakes. |
Step-father | Padrastro | Mi padrastro toca muchos instrumentos musicales. My step-father plays a lot of musical instruments. |
Step-mother | Madrastra | Tu madrastra es muy habladora. Your step-mother is very talkative. |
Step-sister | Hermanastra | Mi hermanastra es vegetariana. My step-sister is a vegetarian. |
Wife | Esposa | ¿Está tu esposa aquí? Is your wife here? |
Widow | Viuda | La señora Nancy es viuda. Mrs. Nancy is a widow. |
Widower | Viudo | Willy era viudo y tenía dos hijas. Willy was a widower and had two daughters. |