Spanish Vocabulary Lists:
Animals in Spanish
Body Parts in Spanish / Clothes in Spanish
Family in Spanish / Food and Drinks Spanish
Fruits in Spanish / Vegetables in Spanish
Bathroom / Bedroom / Kitchen / Room Names
Living Room Furniture / Shapes in Spanish
Occupations / Transportation in Spanish
Spanish Vocabulary Exercises:
Animals in Spanish Worksheet
Body Parts Spanish Worksheet
Spanish Family Tree Exercise
Fruits / Vegetables Spanish Exercise
Bathroom / Bedroom / Kitchen / Room Names
Living Room Furniture / Shapes
Occupations / Transportation in Spanish
Learn the names of geometric shapes in Spanish (aprende los nombres de las formas en español).
Shapes in Spanish List
Vocabulary | In Spanish | Example |
Circle | Círculo | Mi mamá puede dibujar un círculo perfecto. My mom can draw a perfect circle. |
Cone | Cono | Un embudo tiene forma de cono. A funnel is shaped like a cone. |
Cube | Cubo | Necesito cubos de hielo. I need ice cubes. |
Cylinder | Cilindro | Tengo que llenar el cilindro con agua. I have to fill the cylinder with water. |
Heptagon | Heptágono | El heptágono tiene siete lados. The heptagon has seven sides. |
Hexagon | Hexágono | El hexágono tiene seis lados. The hexagon has six sides. |
Octagon | Octógono | El octágono tiene ocho lados. The octagon has eight sides. |
Oval | Óvalo | La mesa tiene forma de óvalo. The table is shaped like an oval. |
Pentagon | Pentágono | El pentágono tiene cinco lados. The pentagon has five sides. |
Polygon | Polígono | Hoy aprendimos sobre polígonos. Today we learned about polygons. |
Pyramid | Pirámide | Las pirámides se construyeron en la antigüedad. Pyramids were built in ancient times. |
Rectangle | Rectángulo | Mi televisor tiene forma de rectángulo. My television is shaped like a rectangle. |
Rhombus / Diamond | Rombo / Diamante | Un rombo es una forma geométrica. A rhombus is a geometric shape. |
Square | Cuadrado | Un cuadrado tiene cuatro lados. A square has four sides. |
Star | Estrella | El cielo estaba lleno de estrellas brillantes. The sky was full of bright stars. |
Triangle | Triángulo | El triángulo tiene tres lados. The triangle has three sides. |