Spanish Vocabulary Lists:
Animals in Spanish
Body Parts in Spanish / Clothes in Spanish
Family in Spanish / Food and Drinks Spanish
Fruits in Spanish / Vegetables in Spanish
Bathroom / Bedroom / Kitchen / Room Names
Living Room Furniture / Shapes in Spanish
Occupations / Transportation in Spanish
Spanish Vocabulary Exercises:
Animals in Spanish Worksheet
Body Parts Spanish Worksheet
Spanish Family Tree Exercise
Fruits / Vegetables Spanish Exercise
Bathroom / Bedroom / Kitchen / Room Names
Living Room Furniture / Shapes
Occupations / Transportation in Spanish
Learn the names of vegetables in Spanish. (Aprende los nombres de verduras / hortalizas en español.)
See Fruits & Vegetables in Spanish for Kids or Food & Drinks in Spanish for Kids for vocabulary activities with pictures for kids.
Vegetables in Spanish Table
Vegetable | In Spanish | Example |
Artichokes | Alcachofas | Las alcachofas son muy saludables. Artichokes are very healthy. |
Avocado | Aguacate | El aguacate es muy delicioso. Avocado is very delicious. |
Beans | Frijoles | Es el tiempo de sembrar frijoles y maíz. It is the time to plant beans and corn. |
Beet | Remolacha | No me gusta el jugo de remolacha. I don’t like beet juice. |
Bell pepper | Chile pimiento / Pimiento morrón | Pica el pimiento morrón en trozos pequeños. Chop the bell pepper into small pieces. |
Broccoli | Brócoli | A mi esposo le encanta el brócoli. My husband loves broccoli. |
Brussel sprouts | Coles de Bruselas | ¿Te gustan las coles de Bruselas? Do you like Brussels sprouts? |
Cabbage | Repollo | A Kevin no le gusta el repollo. Kevin doesn’t like cabbage. |
Capers | Alcaparras | ¿Hiciste arroz con alcaparras? Did you make rice with capers? |
Carrot | Zanahoria | ¡La tarta de zanahoria está muy buena! The carrot cake is very good! |
Cauliflower | Coliflor | No olvides comprar coliflor. Don’t forget to buy a cauliflower. |
Celery | Apio | A Luisa le gustaba el apio. Luisa liked celery. |
Chickpeas | Garbanzos | Los garbanzos se utilizan para hacer hummus. Chickpeas are used to make hummus. |
Corn | Maíz | Hay un laberinto de maíz en mi granja. There is a corn maze on my farm. |
Cucumber | Pepino | Siempre pongo pepinos en mi ensalada. I always put cucumbers in my salad. |
Eggplant | Berenjena | A mi hermana le gusta comer berenjenas. My sister likes to eat eggplant. |
Garlic | Ajo | Hay demasiado ajo en la comida. There is too much garlic in the food. |
Green beans | Ejotes / Judías verdes | Las judías verdes están demasiado cocidas. The green beans are overcooked. |
Green onions / Chives / Scallions | Cebollitas / cebolletas | Compré un montón de cebolletas. I bought a bunch of chives. |
Kale | Col verde / Col rizada | No me gusta la col rizada en mi ensalada. I don’t like kale in my salad. |
Lentils | Lentejas | Nos encanta la sopa de lentejas. We love the lentil soup. |
Lettuce | Lechuga | Lave la lechuga antes de comerla. Wash the lettuce before eating it. |
Mushrooms | Champiñones / Hongos / Setas | No me gustan los champiñones. I don’t like mushrooms. |
Onion | Cebolla | A Marcos no le gustan las cebollas. Marcos doesn’t like onions. |
Peanut | Cacahuate / Mani | Soy alérgica a los cacahuetes. I am allergic to peanuts. |
Peas | Alverjas / Guisantes | A mi mamá le gusta la sopa de guisantes. My mom likes pea soup. |
Pickles | Pepinillos | Hay un frasco de pepinillos en la nevera. There’s a jar of pickles in the fridge. |
Potato | Papa / Patata | Me encanta el puré de papas. I love mashed potatoes. |
Pumpkin | Calabaza / Zapallo | ¿Quieres tarta de calabaza? Do you want pumpkin pie? |
Radish | Rábano | A mi papá le gusta el rábano. My dad likes radish. |
Spinach | Espinaca | La salsa de espinacas es muy sabrosa. The spinach sauce is very tasty. |
Squash / Chayote | Chayote / Calabaza | El chayote es una verdura verde. Chayote is a green vegetable. |
Sweet Potato | Camote / Batata | Me gusta comer batatas fritas. I like to eat sweet potato fries. |
Zucchini | Calabacín | Me gusta comer calabacín crudo. I like to eat raw zucchini. |