Subject Explanations:
The Present Tense
Regular Verbs Present Tense
Irregular Verbs Present Tense
Present Subjunctive (mood) in Spanish
All Verb Tenses
Subject Exercises:
Present Tense Exercise 1 / 2
Present Tense Worksheet 3 / 4
Regular Verbs in Present Tense 1 / 2
Simple Present Regular Verbs Worksheet 3 / 4
Irregular Verbs in Present Tense 1 / 2
Present Tense Irregulars Worksheet 3 / 4
Present Subjunctive (Mood) Exercise 1
Present Subjunctive Tense Worksheet 2
Spanish Present Subjunctive Worksheet 3
Spanish Present Subjunctive Practice 4
All Tenses Exercises
To complete the following Spanish irregular verbs practice worksheet, conjugate the verbs in parenthesis in the present tense.